Communication among students

UuLApp definitely does not aim to create a new social media space for pupils in no case, as it would contravene many of countries' legislation (see USA, UK, etc.).

 Instead of that, UuLApp facilitates the worldwide educational system by providing in schools and private sectors an integrated e-learning platform.

However, in order to have an effective educational result, UuLApp provides for educational and safety reasons a complete communication platform for students, parents, schools, private educational sectors, classes etc.

This platform offers them the opportunity to communicate and ensures their existence as humans, as students, as users!

Therefore, our children are provided with the ability to communicate unobtrusively for educational reasons ,with an easy and safe way to exchange notes, files and photos with their friends, classmates or between any groups they participate in. And all these under a completely safe system with all the required controls for a proper communication. Practically, UuLApp's tools provide an integrated digital communication system only for students where they could safely enrich their knowledge through e-learning courses!!!

Main characteristics of the student’s communication system:

The main feature of this application is that the communication of young users will be kept completely safe through specific stages and controls:

  1. Users will not be able to open a new account on their own, or change their account details in order to have a continuous and fundamental control over the user's true profile and true age, while UuLApp will ensure that everyone is correctly identified. 
    All accounts will only be opened from each student's school after the school's registration at UuLApp.
  2. Students' personal data (name, address, phone numbers, etc.) will not be retained by the platform for security reasons.

Based on the school list, UuLApp system will give a unique ID for each student. After that the data will be registered into the system.

  1. To complete the process of a new account, a second code should be entered after the parent's approval and registration.
  2. For younger children that won't have experience on web usage and only for the first year there will be (in a second phase) an extra possibility to have their actions in UuLApp being recorded in a unique history file. This file would be easily accessible to the child, to his teacher and his parents. This history file will facilitate parents and teachers to help the student understand the proper way to use any kind of communication or learning platform in the future. Therefore, teacher and student could discuss all the steps that the student has made in order to learn and correct his mistakes for a future use. It is worth noting here that the record will be visible only for the first year except if the teacher or the parent asks to expand this period. In this way UuLApp's platform helps children to use properly also other platforms and web apps.

Certainly, all the above mechanisms will be completely discreet so that children can act and interact freely within a controlled and completely protected web environment.

Another feature and unique privilege of this website is that each school and institution involved has the ability to create e-classes for any subject.

These courses may be part of existing courses that have been already provided during school hours (such as extra exercises or additional tasks) or maybe lessons outside school hours or even lessons for pupils of other schools. These lessons could be provided either for free or on a fee. In older ages, it is possible to create e-classes in which many schools could participate at the same time.

Please keep in mind that every school has a maximum level of students that can provide educational services and this is: the number of the existing school physical students + 10%.

Besides that number, the school must pay fees as all the other private educational organizations.

Another level of security that will also be provided is that all users (considering the duration of their education) will change level of "broadness" for example: Pupils who have just registered to the system for the first time, will only be able to interact and communicate with their classmates or their peers and always from the same school. As a reward after a year or more, depending on the age of the children and the acquaintance with the system, knowing now enough about online communication, they will have the opportunity to interact on-line with other children of another school but always children of the same age etc.  

When children are over 13 years old and use the system for at least 2 years, they will now be able to associate with all the high schools in their area or under specific circumstances with the schools of all over the country if the school head office permits it.  

It goes without saying that the level of active help will change considering the level of social broadness of each user.

Every time that the level of user's broadness scale increases, small tests will be given in order to confirm the correct use and understanding of the principles previously taught. Students will also be able to upload their photos but before the process is completed, a small alert message will be sent out informing the small user about the dangers of this action (for example he or she should know that other users will be able to see the photo uploaded to his / her profile and that they might copy it, also that the particular photo will be stored on the server of the company providing the UULApp site etc.). In this way pupils will understand properly the risks that a web platform undermines by uploading their personal data. As a result, the children will be trained to read any terms of use of any site.

Summing up all the above, we conclude that both our days and the Internet itself require immediate education and protection towards weak social groups that children represent.

 UULApp is here to help !!!